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wierdHowto is a focused on one goal: teaching anyone in the world how to do anything.

Everything you read on wierdHowto  was written by someone who wanted to help someone else.

I put my hearts into giving you the most helpful how-to guides on the Internet.

I constantly improving what you see on wierdHowto. I monitor the feedback readers leave on each article. If an article is accurate but incomprehensible, I rewrite it. If my illustrations don’t simplify the complex, I redraw them. Even after readers shower an article with praise, I find ways to make it even better. 

What are wierdHowTo other values?

  • wierdHowTo's core mission is to empower every person on the planet to learn how to do anything. We want to help people learn, first and foremost. 
  • We are open and we like to share. 
  • We strive to ensure our only impact on the world is a positive one
  • We want to help people offline, as well as online. 


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