When you interview for a job, you may meet with multiple interviewers, including the Human Resources Department (HR). An interview with a human resource manager will mostly consist of the manager asking broad questions to determine your motivation, level of commitment, and productivity as an employee. 1. Tell them about your work and education history. When asked about yourself, don't tell them your life story, about your family, or about your hobbies, unless they pertain to the job. Instead, describe your work and education history, as well as what you've done to make you a great fit for the position. Specify your past accomplishments, specifically the ones that are related to the job you're applying for. Practice providing a summary about your work and educational background before your interview. Say, "After I finished my MBA, I spent two years working for a start-up where I learned how to start and expand a business." 2. Explain why you're leavin...
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